Joanne Spataro is an author, writing coach and founder of Dawlcakes.

Whoopi Goldberg named Dawlcakes one of her Favorite Things at her 68th Birthday Party Celebration on The View. She has worked with women-owned businesses including Kismet, Eva Joan, and boutique children’s clothing store, Pink Chicken.

She makes appearances with the dawls at birthdays, other celebrations, and pop-ups. Celebrities have flocked to her baking pop-ups to bring home a “Pinky” dollcake to their children. Her pop-ups have been featured in the West Village, the Hamptons, and San Diego.

In addition, Joanne is the author of Preconceptions, a memoir about her queer and trans fertility. Her work has also appeared in The New York Times, Forbes, Vice and The Huffington Post. Recently, she spoke with New York Times bestselling author Jenny Mollen on her podcast Third Wheel.

Joanne’s memoir, Preconceptions, is available on Audible. Joanne is based in New York City with her wife, Lara, and their child associate, who’s also her trusted “consultant” on Dawlcakes.


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